In the 1/2 Get Up the reps stops with the bridge and you reverse the movement downward. An ideal alternative for those with serious joint issues.
A large part of what I do is nutrition; really more than 50% of my business is nutrition. A portion of that is nutrition education. This is a class where we meet to discuss important topics and concepts in nutrition.
Some months' topics mirror the introductory nutrition class I taught while I was a doctoral student at Auburn while other months' topics center on controversial issues and real life situations. In my opinion this facet of the Old School Training Systems Wellness Program is the most important and has been the most productive in getting our employees to make modifications toward a healthier lifestyle. If you are thinking of starting wellness lectures or a program of your own then this is a great place to start then build from.
Here are some examples of recent topics:
1. Reading Food Labels
2. Competitive Eating
3. Fast Food
4. Essential Nutrients
5. Serving Sizes
6. Tobacco and Alcohol
7. Inflammation
On a personal note, I completed the 6 week RSR for the deadlift (DL) and will tell you I am officially retired from heavy deadlifting programs. Three times per week training DL at over 80% is a crusher on the arthritic knee. Over the last 6 weeks I have had more people ask me why I was limping, if I had a hitch in my giddy-up(our rodeo clients), or if I needed surgery. Knowing this, movement is the most important aspect of my training from here on. I will continue to lift heavy, just not 3 times per week.
Here is a tester program for the next 4 weeks. If it meets my approval I will continue this program through the summer. Each workout will include 15 minutes of movement/mobility; on Wednesday and Thursday the mobility will be closer to 30 minutes.
June 7- July 2
1. Monday - Heavy Press/Pull Up; Farmers Walk/Double Swings (24kg) for conditioning
*This program is outlined in "Return of the Kettlebell"; I will "borrow" it for 1 day of my workout week
2. Tuesday - High Intensity Kettlebells and Bodyweight Circuit (20-25 minutes)
3. Wednesday - Lower Body Extensive Joint Mobility; Grip and Skill Practice
4. Thursday - Upper Body Extensive Joint Mobility; Presses for Volume; Trunk and Shoulder Work; 1/2 Get Ups, Get Up Sit Ups, and Windmills
5. Friday - Underground Strength - Hammers, tires, and sandbags for strength
6. Saturday - Kettlebells and Bodyweight circuit for reps
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