Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Real Strength Workout

Total body strength goes beyond what you can do for 1 rep. Also, there are more tools to utilize outside of barbells.

1. Tactical Pull Up 5 X 5 (pause for two seconds at the bottom of every rep; engage the lat first for a more efficient pull)

2. Someone had to have come up with this workout before me. It is way too logical. Emphasizes stability and grip while exercising real body strength endurance. If I have "borrowed" this workout from an unknown source...I thank you. A keeper:

Use two kettlebells; strong men should go with 24kg's; strong women with 12-16kg's dependent on body mass. It is ideal to use the same bells for every exercise; downgrade if you need to for the overhead lockout. If you need to downgrade that should send you a message that you need to work on that exercise to attain total body strength. Do not set the bells down until each couplet is complete. For example, go immediately into farmers walk after your 5th rep of suitcase deadlift; and so forth for couplets 2 and 3.

5 Rounds; 15-30 seconds rest between each couplet; just enough time to rechalk..;-). Break 1:30 between rounds.

1a. Suitcase Deadlift X 5
1b. Farmers Walk X 50m

2a. Double Clean X 5
2b. Double Rack Walk X 50 m

3a. Double Press X 5
3b. Double Overhead Lockout Walk X 50 m

Have fun with it!


  1. Sounds Fun, still need to get myself some of those evil bells.

  2. Great to hear from you Brett! Thanks for the info on the BJJ club. I beleibve the kid is hooked and likes workiong with the mentor/coach there.

    The bells are the most multifaceted tool out there, if you learn how to use them properly. I am incorporating more and more training exercises and methods on a daily basis.

    Chip - after doing this workout on Wednesday I already felt stroger on Thursday. It is the wonder of training the nervous system as a primary goal vs. jacking your muscles to max capacity...;-).
