Wednesday, July 21, 2010


It's hot! In most cities east of the Mississippi it is 90 plus this week. The perfect week to discuss "water" for our nutrition education topic; which is what we are covering in our classes this week. Here are some standard, Nutrition 101 highlights:

1. Water makes up 60% of your body. Biochemists would argue 80%; I'll stick with 60%.
2. Water is the transportation vehicle for all nutritents and life sustaining products
3. Water is the Universal solvent. It's Dipole moment (positive and negative areas) creates an affinity for many substrates. Do you remember the electrolyte experiment in High School?
4. Water is the bodys' cleansing agent; carrying wastes for elimination.
5. Water serves as the shock absorber for joints, fluid for eyes and childbearing (protection for fetus).
6. For our main purpose, water is our bodys' thermoregulator.

You are always sweating. You are burning calories, these metabolic processes generate energy, water and heat. As your body temperature increases, water is the medium that transports that heat to the skin and the heat leaves the body in the form of perspiration.

Components of water input:
1. Liquids you drink
2. Moist foods you eat - Carbo-HYDRATES; If you decide to do a high protein diet (basically most of the diets or self purported "lifestyles") then it is imperative to increase your water intake. When you Carb starve you may miss a substantial amount of water in your recommended intake.
3. Metabolic Water - the formula for glucose is C6H12O6. Look closely, water (H2O) fits perfectly into the formula. As the carbon chains of our substrates get broken down and energy generated, water is the byproduct of that metabolism.

Components of water output:
1. Kidneys - urination
2. Skin - perspiration
3. Lungs - respiration; remember, sometimes you don't always see your losses
4. GI tract - feces

Water Balance is the daily difference between input and output.

Remember to drink your water!

Todays' workout: A metabolic conditioning day

*Pull Ups 5 X Max reps

*7 rounds for time:
1. 30 pound Ball Slam X 10
2. 6 count Burpee X 10

* Burpees are meant to be performed on a 6 count. For a more effective movement park the sloppy, worm, fish flopping burpees and define your movement with a structured body that relies on tension to support each count.


  1. Great article Mark. It takes a lot of effort to drink too much water! My training is going well, I've actually stripped the paint of my 'bell handles, and I almost need a new wardrobe. Just the waist, not the shoulders or back unfortunately. I'm down 20 lbs from my peak in Feb. I do need to add some met-con though.

  2. Great news Charles! Keep up the good work and continued success with your new career.

    An efficient Metabolic program can be a huge benefit to the 40 plus population...bodyweight and movements that carry little external resistance lowers the detrimental effects of injury or the potential crappy form that lurks when you attempt massive movements for time.

    Not to mention you need to have gas for the other activities in your life...;-)
