Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

10 Rounds; work at your pace
a. Double Press X 10 (40-50% of 1-RM)
b. Double Squat X 10 (use same bells as press)

Rest 3 min.

500 Jump Rope for time

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Warm Up

Deadlift 3 X 3 @ 80%
TGU's 4 X 3/3

Monday, March 29, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010 (Workout 14 of 28)

METabolic CONditioning

5 rounds
1. Row 500-400-300-200-100m
2. Snatch - 10e, 8e, 6e, 4e, 2e
3. Wall Ball 20-16-12-8-4
4. Ball Slam 20-16-12-8-4

Potential Substitutes
1. Jump Rope 250-200-150-100-50
3. KB Thruster 10e-8e-6e-4e-2e
4. Sledge Hits - 10e-8e-6e-4e-2e

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010 (Workout 13 of 28)

John and Byron, two of our most dedicated Wellness clients were in Auburn for a work conference.....and maintained their pre RSR schedule at my home. DEDICATION!
Warm Up - posterior chain and shoulder mobility

1. Deadlift - 5 X 3 @ 75%

2. Double Press/Pull Up Ladder (Heavy Bells - 80%) - 4 X (1, 2, 3, 4)

3. Conditioning: 10 rounds for time

a. Double Swing X 10

b. Push Up X 10

Friday, March 26, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Warm Up

1. 1 Arm Press Ladder - 1e up to 5e back to 1e
2. Pull Up 5 X Max Reps
3. Conditioning: 12 minutes; count rounds
a. Jump Rope X 140
b. High Pull X 25e

Scale Back Alabama

Two weeks until the final weigh in date of April 9!

What progress CAEC is making! I would love to run a Pearson R comparing the number of employees training in our gyms with a successful weigh in the week of April 5th.

My personal weight loss log is 9.2 lbs lost; 196.0 to 186.8. Strength and conditioning improving!

If any of you need to contact me directly I will be at the Prattville facility all day.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010

Joint Mobility - Total Body

Deadlift 5 X 5 @ 70%

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Thursday, March 25, 2010

From the files of Sara Cheatham

6 rounds; 1 minute recovery between rounds:
1. Jump Rope X 100/Swing X 50
2. Jump Rope X 100/Swing X 50
3. JUmp Rope X 100/Snatch X 20
4. Jump Rope X 100/Snatch X 20
5. Jump Rope X 100/Swing X 50
6. Jump Rope X 100/Swing X 50

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010 (Workout 9 of 28)

Joint Mobility - Complete Circuit

1. Deadlift 5 X 3 @ 70%
2. Double Press 5 X 5 @ 80% (1 Arm Press)
3. Double Squat 5 X 5
4. Double Thruster 5 X 5 @ 60% 1-RM Press

Monday, March 22, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010 (Workout 8 of 28)

Warm Up

1. 5 minute Snatch Test
2. Double Clean - 5 X 5

Conditioning X 10 minutes; count rounds:
a. Suspended Push Up - feet elevated on 20 inch box
b. Renegade Row X 5 e

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Week 2 - Day 1 - Monday, March 22, 2010

Warm Up - Super Joints protocol

1. Deadlift 3 X 3 @ 75%
2. Kalos Thenos - 4 X 3/3
3. Swings 20 on the minute X 10 minutes

Friday, March 19, 2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Warm Up - Jump Rope X 200; shoulder, knee, and hip mobility

a. Double Clean and Press (Heavy) - 4 X (1, 2, 3, 4)
b. Pull Up - 4 X (1, 2, 3, 4)

Conditioning X 10 minutes; count rounds:
a. Row X 250 M (if no access to a rower the Jump Rope X 150)
b. 6 count Burpee X 10

Thursday, March 18, 2010

March 19, 2010 (Workout 5 of 28)

Warm Up - Joint Mobility; Shoulder/Arm Bar; Posterior Chain

Kalos Thenos - 3 X 3/3 - Moderate weight
Deadlift 5 X 3 @ 70%

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

2 Complexes
1. 10 minutes
a. 1 Arm Swing X 10/10; on the minute
b. High Pull X 10/10; on the minute
*Alternate between the two exercises until 5 rounds of each are completed

Rest 3 minutes

2. 3 Rounds
Farmers Walk/Overhead lockout walk
a. Farmers Walk X 1 minute (using 2 kettlebells)
Rest 30 Seconds
b. Overhead Lockout Walk X 1 minute (using 2 kettlebells)
Rest 1 minute

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Warm Up

1. Deadlift - 5 X 5 @ 70%
2. 2 KB Squat 5 X 5
3. 2 KB Swing 10 X 10

4. Conditioning X 10 Minutes; count rounds
a. Snatch X 5 e
b. Wall Ball X 10*
*If no area or means for Wall Ball, perform a 1 Kb Thruster X 5 e

Monday, March 15, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010 (Workout 2 of 28)

Warm Up - Shoulder mobility; trunk stability; posterior chain; hips

1. 5 minute Snatch test - aim for reps/side per minute goal.
2. Kalos Thenos TGU - 3 X 3/3
3. Conditioning - 5 rounds; form first; time second
a. 6 count burpee X 5 (define reps and counts; no worm burpees)
b. Mountain Climber X 10e
c. Sit Up X 15
d. Squat X 20

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2009 (Workout 1 of 28)

Warm Up - Shoulder, Posterior Chain

1. DeadLift 5 X 3 @ 70%
2. 1 Arm Press - 5e @60%; 3e @70%; 3e @ 80%; 1e @ 95%; 2e @90%; 3e @ 80%
3. Pull Up 5 X 5; No Thumbs; Maintain Hollow Rock; Dorsiflex toes

Cool Down - Yoga; Downward Dog; Cat-Cow; Brettzel

Friday, March 12, 2010

German Volume Training

Yesterdays workout was too good to keep to myself. Normally, GVT is used for contrasting movements; I used it for Double Press and Double Squat. Rest 2 minutes between supersets

GVT 10 sets X 10 reps (40-50% of 1-RM Press)
a. Double Press
b. Double Squat

Rest 10 minutes; then

15 minutes; count rounds:
a. Burpee (6 count) X 5
b. Swing X 10 (Moderately Heavy)
* Aim for on the minute for 15 rounds
*Ladies that are limited with push ups incorporate the squat thrust (4 count burpee)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

5 Week Mesocycle begins Monday

I will post my advanced workouts daily beginning Monday, 3/15 and continuing for the 5 weeks that follow. If you feel capable and are interested in this program then you will need the following information:

1. Emphasis of program: Deadlift, Hardstyle kettlebell strength, and conditioning.

2. Purpose of fitness: Strength

3. Deadlift protocol - Pre-RSR; lift 3 times per week

4. Hardstyle exercise - TGU. Swings, Clean, Squat, Press, and Snatch

5. Conditioning focus - Kettlebells, Rowing Machine, Jump Rope, Body weight exercise

IMPORTANT: Test your 1-RM Deadlift by this Friday, March 12. Deadlifting will begin on Monday, March 15. Deadlift protocol will be based on the percentage of your 1-RM and will be post-tested on April 16.

IMPORTANT: This is a 6 day per week exercise protocol containing 29 total workouts. This is extreme training. It is not a good idea to continue on this protocol beyond the five weeks scheduled.

IMPORTANT: If you need a day off, take it. Everybody recovers differently. I would request that your day off be a non deadlifting day; try to stick with the deadlift protocol.

Workout 1 will be posted this Saturday and subsequent workouts will be posted the day before they are to be completed.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Strength Day

Warm Up - Row 500m; Shoulder Stability; Band Stretches; Downward Dog; Samson Stretch; Tactical Frog; Piriformis - Pigeon and elevated leg

Kalos Thenos - 3 X 3/3 @ 16kg (1); 20 kg (2); 24 kg (3)

Double Front Squat - 5 X 5 @ 32kg

Double Press - 5 X 5 @ 32kg

Double Thruster - 5 X 5 @ 24kg

Rest 10 minutes

Snatch 5 X 10/10 (on the minute X 5 minutes)