Saturday, November 27, 2010

Weekend Burner

Happy Thanksgiving
Couplets: 20-16-12-8-4; perform 20 of each; then 16, then 12, then 8, then 4; move to #2 when #1 is complete, then #3 when #2 is complete.
1. Snatch (each side)
Push Up

2. Ball Slam
Sit Up

3. Swing
Rowing machine (Calories)

*Slow your pace when you get tired. It makes no sense to workout at a high intensity if in so doing your reps are sloppy or your body is put in a position where you get hurt (if not today then down the road).

*Snatches are total reps; meaning total each side (10 e; 8 e; 6 e; etc.)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Food Journaling

This months' nutrition education topic covers food journaling. Writing down what you eat is the most ideal method of monitoring food intake to attain weight loss/gain/maintenance goals. Of particular importance is the time of year and all of the food temptation we will experience over the next two months and into the new year.

This week we are visiting our client branches and covering the concept of food journaling, but more importantly, the concept of visualizing and estimating portion sizes based on some basic skills and associations we cover in the class. Food journaling is the best method, however it is highly unlikely that the client will track their precise food intake on a consistent basis.

One important matter to think about as the Holiday season approaches: how many times will you be in the position of choosing food items similar to the ones on the Lehmkuhl Gluten Free Thanksgiving dinner above? My joke to clients is that the holiday is called "Thanksgiving Day" not "Thanksgiving Week". Afterall, most of us will have multiple holiday stops to make in order to overfuel during the coming week. Then, we get to experience it again one month later in December. After these experiences we get to talk about resolutions as most of you will start that o' so familiar vicious cycle again in 2011...HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Back to the matter at hand. Examine the meal above, which consists of, from 12 o'clock clockwise: Dressing, Green Peas, Turkey, Cranberries, Sweet Potato Casserole, and Pecan Crusted Apple Crisp:

1. Attempt to estimate the serving sizes of each food item and record your answer to comments.
2. What is missing in this meal? What is there an overabundance of? There may be a multitude of good answers.
3. Over the next two months, how many times will you be exposed to dinners similar to the one above?

This picture provides a lot to think about. Please feel free to record your responses on this page and I will do a follow up with my summations over the weekend.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Workout of the Week

The following workout may incorporate whatever movements you wish to work on. As with any metabolic conditioning workout, form first, work completed and time second.

This is the format provided me by my friend and project manager Jeff:

16 minutes; count rounds
1. 6 Burpees
2. 5 KB Cleans Left
3. 4 KB Squats Left
4. 3 KB Jerks Left

*Repeat on right side beginning with Burpees

When you complete work on left and right side you have finished a round.