Saturday, December 18, 2010

Saturday METCON

4 rounds for time with function:

1. 100 Jump Rope Skips

2. 10 Burpees (no breakin')

3. 250m Row

4. 25 Lunges (total)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Grinch meets Scrooge; Call me Grooge

Another Resolution – Another Failure?; 12/15/10
This write-up was initially posted on 12/22/09. I have updated it by adding this year’s experience/thoughts, with the goal of explaining why I am in such a mood every December.

I do not like December. I love Christmas, but not December. Why? Answer: it is the beginning of the recurring vicious cycle in my profession. Please excuse me while I go all “Socrates” on you:

It really starts with Thanksgiving, the food indulging and overindulging. How many Thanksgiving-like meals do you estimate you will consume from November 27, 2010 - January 10, 2011? We live in Alabama so the New Year/overeating season has been extended through the BCS national championship game. Something to think about. I posed this question to my November nutrition education classes and the average answer was 10 Thanksgiving like meals. Whatever the number, very few of us will maintain, or lose weight during this time span. Why? Answer: mostly due to dressing and other high sugar, fat, and starch un- “comfort” - able foods.

On to the New Year and with the New Year comes the New Years’ Resolution. Are you going to lose the excess, unwanted weight? Are you going to quit drinking alcohol? Are you going to quit your tobacco habit? Are you going to begin an exercise regimen? Most resolutions are body image related. We want to be happy, and a large percentage of the United States population believes they can attain happiness by looking and feeling better. I believe this more than any other ideas I will write this morning.

So, it’s January 11 and we have made our body image resolution. What happens? History tells us that most resolutions will go away by February 14, Valentine’s Day. Most of the resolution people will last a little over a month adhering to their new lifestyle change.

I call February 14-Thanksgiving, 2011 “the wave”. Most people will be up and down at a peak then at a valley with their healthy lifestyle choice/resolution. There will be moments when they are doing really well and making sound nutritional and lifestyle choices; then there will be times when they fall off the wagon and get in a rut of bad eating until they realize the poor habits are back. Then, they get back on the sound choices again before falling back to the vice that they planned on avoiding. I also call this my “broken record period”. Why? I sound like a broken record, often repeating the same information to the same people over, and Over, and OVER, and OVER.

December begins my vicious cycle. That is why December is my least favorite month, but I LOVE Christmas.

Merry Christmas. Now on to the meat of this write up:

Our Wellness program is all about lifestyle modification, subtle changes that will help you attain your physical and mental goals. Words mean nothing…….until you make the decision that these modifications will be a part of your life from right now….on December 15, 2010……AND CONTINUE THROUGH THE REST OF YOUR LIFE (with consistent alteration according to where you are at any moment in your life).

In researching websites for this write up I came across a consistency in that each web address was saying/reporting identical information. This lends support that the research is fairly solid.

Resolutions do not work – Why?

Most resolutions are made on New Years’ Eve, without considerable thought.

1. Ask yourself:
What do I want? Do I really want it?
Is now the right time?
Do I deserve this change (Why?)
What can I become with this change?
Is this a Primary goal? Secondary?
When will I start? Finish?
What is the first thing I need to do to work toward this goal?

2. Clarify your goals
Once your goal(s) are defined, set a timeline to evaluate progress and generate questions more specific to achieving your goal(s)

3. The Power of positive wording
“Most goals have a negative context, meaning you eliminate or lose something”. Stay positive and generate positive questions.

For example “Stop Smoking” can become “Breathing exercise 3 times daily”

4. Define your goals as a change in behavior – Behavior Modification

Example: When I stopped smoking I substituted chewing gum whenever I really, really wanted a cigarette.

5. Are your goals Realistic? Precise? Measurable?

6. Reward yourself.

Set up a system of plateaus. When you reach a particular plateau reward yourself with a treat.

7. Have fun, keep things in perspective

Goals can be fun. Use the reward system to deliver an enjoyable experience. The goals you set need to always be a positive experience, however may not always yield the result you shoot for. Keeping things in perspective means that we maintain the course, even though we are having/have had a bad day.

8. Think them, then speak them, then write them, then become the model for them, then DELIVER them.

9. Create a final deadline then plan a continuance that culminates with the maintenance of that deadline result.

10. Accountability and Support

Have a system of accountability and support. Wellness coach, weight watchers, smoking cessation groups are examples.
11. START NOW…go to #1 for guidance

Merry Christmas Everyone


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tuesday METCON

I am the only person that engages in the workouts I post online. Our clients' workouts consist of a lot of joint mobility and bodyweight exercise completed at a moderate intensity. My most sincere education has been working with the fitness abilities of a wide array of people over the last 14 years. I have learned more in the last year than in any other. If you're not learning you may as well not be living.

I am in the 3rd week of Kettlebell Muscle. I like the program but can't give up my strategically placed METCONs:

20 minutes; count rounds:
1. 5 Burpees

2. 5 e Snatch

3. 15 e Mountain Climbers

4. 20 Swings

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Saturday Conditioning

Tiffany Hams it up on "Bench Friday"

I am liking Kettlebell Muscle. If you are an advanced hard styler I highly recommend the book.

Saturday METCON
3 rounds for time:
a. 500m Row
b. 200 Jump Rope skips

Monday, December 6, 2010

Tuesday METCON

7 Rounds for time:

1. Jumping Pull Up X 10 (Chest to Bar)
2. Burpee X 10 (6 counts)

A good read courtesy of Dave Clancy, RKC, CSCS

Friday, December 3, 2010

New program outline

Monday - KB Muscle
Tuesday - Metabolic Conditioning; intensity will be dictated by KB Muscle intensity
Wednesday - KB Muscle
Thursday - Joint Mobility
Friday - KB Muscle
Saturday - Metabolic Conditioning; intensity will be dictated by KB Muscle intensity

Saturdays METCON:
1000m Row
100 Jump Rope
80 Sit Ups
100 Jump Rope
60 Mountain Climbers
100 Jump Rope
40 Push Ups
100 Jump Rope
20 JPUs

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Kettlebell Muscle

This week I started "Kettlebell Muscle"; it is a program/book designed by Geoff Neupert, MRKC. This program incorporates a lot of double kettlebell work. compound lifting, complexes, and chains.

The program design is 3 days training per week with 3 days active rest per week. This allows for people to personalize their training on active rest days. Be warned, however, Geoff recommends not becoming too active on your active rest days.

On two of my days active rest days (1st and 3rd) I will program bodyweight metabolic conditioning. On the 2nd active rest day I will workout using intense joint mobility and range of motion exercise. I will vary the intensity of these active rest days based on how my body feels. Remember rule number 1: DON'T MESS WITH THE PROGRAM!

Here is yesterdays METCON:

Rep scheme: 30-20-10
1. Swing
2. Burpee
3. Mountain Climber
4. Jumping Pull Up
5. Sit Up
6. Concept 2 Rower (Calories)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Weekend Burner

Happy Thanksgiving
Couplets: 20-16-12-8-4; perform 20 of each; then 16, then 12, then 8, then 4; move to #2 when #1 is complete, then #3 when #2 is complete.
1. Snatch (each side)
Push Up

2. Ball Slam
Sit Up

3. Swing
Rowing machine (Calories)

*Slow your pace when you get tired. It makes no sense to workout at a high intensity if in so doing your reps are sloppy or your body is put in a position where you get hurt (if not today then down the road).

*Snatches are total reps; meaning total each side (10 e; 8 e; 6 e; etc.)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Food Journaling

This months' nutrition education topic covers food journaling. Writing down what you eat is the most ideal method of monitoring food intake to attain weight loss/gain/maintenance goals. Of particular importance is the time of year and all of the food temptation we will experience over the next two months and into the new year.

This week we are visiting our client branches and covering the concept of food journaling, but more importantly, the concept of visualizing and estimating portion sizes based on some basic skills and associations we cover in the class. Food journaling is the best method, however it is highly unlikely that the client will track their precise food intake on a consistent basis.

One important matter to think about as the Holiday season approaches: how many times will you be in the position of choosing food items similar to the ones on the Lehmkuhl Gluten Free Thanksgiving dinner above? My joke to clients is that the holiday is called "Thanksgiving Day" not "Thanksgiving Week". Afterall, most of us will have multiple holiday stops to make in order to overfuel during the coming week. Then, we get to experience it again one month later in December. After these experiences we get to talk about resolutions as most of you will start that o' so familiar vicious cycle again in 2011...HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Back to the matter at hand. Examine the meal above, which consists of, from 12 o'clock clockwise: Dressing, Green Peas, Turkey, Cranberries, Sweet Potato Casserole, and Pecan Crusted Apple Crisp:

1. Attempt to estimate the serving sizes of each food item and record your answer to comments.
2. What is missing in this meal? What is there an overabundance of? There may be a multitude of good answers.
3. Over the next two months, how many times will you be exposed to dinners similar to the one above?

This picture provides a lot to think about. Please feel free to record your responses on this page and I will do a follow up with my summations over the weekend.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Workout of the Week

The following workout may incorporate whatever movements you wish to work on. As with any metabolic conditioning workout, form first, work completed and time second.

This is the format provided me by my friend and project manager Jeff:

16 minutes; count rounds
1. 6 Burpees
2. 5 KB Cleans Left
3. 4 KB Squats Left
4. 3 KB Jerks Left

*Repeat on right side beginning with Burpees

When you complete work on left and right side you have finished a round.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Old School Wellness


I am fortunate to have the best team at working together in generating ideas that apply to a broad range of people. Our Beat the Boss challenge epitomizes our wellness teams' value.

In the challenge, 14 teams made up of 5 employees each will be scored on a physical pre test next week, aim to improve their scores over the Holiday season, then be scored again (post test) in the first week in January. The amount of IMPROVEMENT between the two scores per individual will determine how many points each team is awarded.

Additionally, there is a restaurant and recipe assignment that each team must turn in for a grade. In this assignment the teams will need to answer questions about calories, nutrient density, menu items, and healthy food choices of a restaurant which they have been assigned. Furthermore, each team will research a recipe and develop a healthier version of the recipe and submit the finished product for a score.

Finally, team members may be awarded extra points for quitting tobacco for the duration of the challenge or reaching their goal weight which they had previously been unsuccessful in attaining.

Each team that beats the boss team will be awarded 1 day off with pay.

Old School Wellness is different because we are wellness with accountability; not a gym membership, not a handout of cash to buy an exercise clothes hanger (equipment) for your home, and not a computerized robo-machine that tracks your progress by counting steps.

We are the real deal with degreed, certified exercise and nutrition professionals that work with you in achieving your goals through the modification of the exercise and nutrition habits of your daily lifestyle.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Meet Pam - Our October Wellness Star

Pam Before

Pam After
Pam is the epitome of an ideal client. Why? because most of her success has been achieved through decisions she has made, not necessarily based on my recommendations. I guess the best explanation of epitome of an ideal client is the client that finds what works for them...THEN FOLLOWS THROUGH!

Pam's Testimonial

Since April of 2010 I have made a few changes in my weight loss program. My mom and my sister started weight watchers in January of 2010 and in June of this year they encouraged me to switch over to weight watchers with them so that we could support each other. I am now combining what I was learning @ Down with the Pounds with what Weight Watchers is teaching me and I have lost a total of 70 lbs. I have learned portion control, healthy eating, exercise and lifestyle change is the key. Unfortunately, I am a stress eater. So I have fallen off the wagon a few times but I get right back on and keep going. I am losing at a slower pace than I would like but to quote Mark,” You did not put the weight on overnight and you won’t be able to lose it overnight.
I have now reached a plateau (which I am told happens when you have a lot of weight to lose) and realize that I have got to incorporate more exercise into my daily routine in order to continue on my weight loss journey. Walking on the treadmill (which was a hit and miss) is just not enough. So with the equipment that is provided to us at work I have no excuse not to exercise. I have also begun a walking regiment with my husband to help him to get the Dr. ordered exercise he needs. I hope that on my next update I will be able to tell you that I have reached my weight loss goal and that I am in much better shape physically.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Spinning Plates

Updating this blog has not been on my list of priorities. My schedule of 15 hour work days (including drive times), spouse duties, children, Ohio State football, and about 5 hours of sleep per night has led me to the path of expansion within our organization. This is welcomed....I am not prideful to the point of denying that I need assistance.

We are a growing organization and I am "spinning plates" (Greg Glassman gets credit for this term) in an attempt to run our organization to the best of my ability. So far so good, but murky waters lie ahead and I will not put myself in the position of dropping one set of plates to accomodate another set.

A couple of things to look for from us:

1. Before I turn into a zombie I will announce the addition of several people who will be assisting us with our current projects. For now our opportunities are part time but I anticipate at least one and potentially two full time opportunities in the near future.

2. We will be providing information about our October Wellness Star.

3. We are excited about our next wellness challenge, "Beat the Boss", which we will provide information about in the near future.

Have a productive Wednesday.

Advanced workout of the Day - 1 time through:

100 Swings

80 calories on the rower

60 Sit Ups

40 Kettlebell High pulls (20 each side)

20 6 count burpees

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Your tax dollars at work

Good Saturday Morning.

I am pleased to announce our newest client relationship with the United States Air Force. We are in the planning stages of designing a curriculum for the NCO Academy that is centered on functional training and High intensity Exercise (HIEE).
For the remainder of the year my weekend mornings will be filled with exercise and nutrition theory and practice. The project is practical, meaning we will be implementing our workouts within the 6 week training course.

Thank you United States Air Force for going "OLD SCHOOL"

Now on to the Saturday AM workout fun:

4 rounds for time:

1. Jump Rope X 125
2. Hard Style Swing X 21
3. JPU X 15
4. 8 count Manmaker X 9
Have a great weekend.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tom: September Wellness Star

Tom After

Tom Before - in the middle

Tom Steps Into our Wellness Spotlight after a 35 pound weight loss.


At CAEC we have taken a very aggressive position on helping employees be the best in understanding responsibilities of their jobs, making opportunities to grow in their careers and encouraging good physical and mental health. As an electric distribution provider our experience is not health & wellness, so we sought expertise in nutrition, physiology and exercise. We were looking for a "Wellness Coach" who could help all 127 employees develop individual plans to build their physical fitness and lifestyle goals around. We needed someone who could help anyone at any level- from those who had never been physically active to others who have an aggressive exercise regimen and everyone in-between. We needed an exercise system that helped people learn about physical activity beyond machines and one that increased flexibility as well as strength. Although we have just begun the process, in a little over a month, the employees are buzzing about doing things they did not think possible and they're excited about using kettlebells and their own body weight. Mark has shown an ability to work with folks at all levels and encourage them to do their best and improve; all the while cheering them each step of the way. He provides precise training, watches each participant closely and makes sure they are making an effort at their appropriate level. Time will tell, but I think Mark has gotten us off to a great start and is introducing many to the Russian Kettlebell world.

On a personal note Mark has also worked with all three of my children and me for the past couple of years, providing instruction and development at a level I could not be more pleased with. The instruction helped our son, now nineteen, walk onto a D1 college football team last year and handle their workout regimen appropriately. Our girls now sixteen and fourteen, have swum and played basketball. Their stamina, strength and agility have improved remarkably. At 51, I feel better than I have in years. Due to illness, my workouts fell off for several months, but mark's instruction and encouragement has me back on track and excited about tackling a well planned workout.

Tom, CEO; Central Alabama Electric Cooperative; Prattville, AL

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Saturday Quick Burst

1 time through:

400 m Row
200 Jump Rope
100 Squat
50 Sit Ups
25 Push Ups

This one is such a quick burst that if you aren't exhausted when done then you need to up the intensity.....pure and simple.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Are you entitled to free health insurance?

...or supplied/offered through your employer?

Here are some statistics:
1. Health insurance costs were 9% of our GDP in 1980
2. Health insurance costs were 18% of our GDP in 2009
3. 70% of all health care costs are the direct result of behavior
4. 74% of all health care costs are the result of 4 chronic conditions: CVD, cancer, diabetes, and obesity
5. 80% of CVD and diabetes is preventable
6. 60% of cancers are preventable
7. 90% of obesity is preventable

These statistics do not lie.

If we are going to get out of this and other problems outside of health insurance we need to replace "entitlement" with "accountability".

Unfortunately most of the extreme cases will not be awakened from hibernation until it begins to cost them money. That day is coming people.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August Wellness Star - Jimmy




One year ago this month, I participated in the company’s first blood draw. It was also my first blood analysis in about 5 years, the last time my wife made me get a physical. I sat down with Mark and reviewed the numbers:

Weight – 232, down some from 237 which I almost reached in Jan 2010, clinically classified as obese, I was large
Blood pressure - over the recommend 130
Cholesterol – over the recommend 200 level

I have been very blessed with good health and never been on any medications. I told Mark I have only one goal, “Not to be Medicated”. From the numbers above, I need to do something different to stay on my goal.

For the past several years, I have exercised off and on. The one thing I was not paying much attention to was my diet. I ate anything and everything. Zaxby’s and Thai Place would ring up my order when I walked through the door, never had to speak a word. Mark helped me realize that diet was where I was lacking, and some guidelines to go by.

The other issue I had was my back. I have had back trouble from time to time, but last September, I went to a Chiropractor for the first time. I was coaching Coop’s fall baseball team and I could barely operate the pitching machine. I knew if I wanted to keep up with him and Grace, I had to get in shape.
In January I started working out 4 to 5 times a week. I quit eating out, well almost. I began to limit and watch very closely what I ate. I monitored everything I ate on “” and realized how many calories I was really eating. Everything seemed to come together by the end of April. I won’t lie and say it was easy, but working out in the gym, listening to Mark, and monitoring my diet has paid off.

Right now I am meeting my one goal. I still want to lose 12 more pounds. My back is better than it’s ever been. I’m eating better, but I revert back from time to time and eat the big 16oz. steak or chocolate bar, but I do it rarely. I’ve lost about 25 pounds, my blood pressure is well within normal limits, my good cholesterol is going up and my bad is going down. I feel better than I have in years. I even had to buy a smaller belt. But the best thing is the example for my kids. They work out with me sometimes at home, drink water (don’t buy Cokes and you don’t drink them), make them eat healthy (they only eat what you give them), and just stay active.

I think we are very fortunate that we work for a company that not only says they care about the wellbeing of the employees, but shows it. From the workout facilities, the blood draws, the challenges, Tom and the Board has tried to make it convenient and get everyone the information to start living a healthier lifestyle. Unfortunately you know the old saying “you can lead the horse to water, but you can’t make him drink”. With everything that is available, you have to want it do it for yourself.

Several people have asked me “what have you done to lose the weight?” For some reason everyone seems to think there is a magic pill or the ab lounger for 10 minutes a day will do the trick. When I tell them “exercise more and eat less”, I can tell it is not what they wanted to hear, but they know it is the way to do it. I know it’s tough to change old habits, but if I can, you can. End the excuses, find the time and get started today, you never know, one day you may look as good as me (that’s what I tell my brother).

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Today's Advanced Workout

CAEC - Clanton, Alabama
1 time through:
Jump rope for 100 before each exercise; you will be doing 6 rounds of 100

1. Swing X 60
2. Butterfly Sit Up X 50
3. Rower X 40 Calories
4. Push Up X 30
5. Snatch X 20 (10 e)
6. Burpee X 10 (6 counts)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Metabolic Conditioning

This one didn't disappoint me on Wednesday; nor our advanced clients:

5 rounds:

1. Jump Rope - 250-200-150-100-50
2. Snatch - 20-16-12-8-4 (reps are total L and R added together)
3. Butterfly Sit Up - 20-16-12-8-4
4. 1 Arm Press - 20-16-12-8-4 (reps are total L and R added together)
Time: 15:00

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Slaying Dragons

Twenty five years ago I was fortunate to be a part of a special team that won the Ohio AA State Baseball Championship. Last week I received a phone message with an e-mail follow up from a hometown reporter who was writing a story of that championship trek. She wanted to ask some relevent questions regarding the experiences of several players during the spring of 1985. I woke up last Thursday morning to her e-mail and looked forward to reminiscing while I answered her queries.
Her first question stuck in my head for most of that Thursday:

"Describe to me in the best way possible what it feels like to win a state championship?"
My reply: "For me it didn't sink in until late in the summer. I really had no feeling at the time, other than it was suddenly over."

As I stated previously this question stayed with me for most of the day. In analyzing my response I concluded that in all the subsequent (post 1985) successes I have had in my life, that the joy I feel while experiencing these tasks really ends when I have accomplished whatever task I was seeking. I have already fast forwarded to the next dragon I am seeking to slay. You may have heard the old cliche "getting there is half the fun." I have a tendency to have most of my fun in "getting there" than enjoying whatever positive I was blessed enough to attain.
Yesterday I met with a client regarding a new nutrition program which they had ordered over the phone and were amped to follow for a month to kick start their weight loss task. Those that know me best know that one of my most stated sayings is "whatever blows your hair back". Meaning as a client I want you to have the freedom to choose what works for you; my job is to analyze the program and determine its' effectiveness and to keep you safe while doing it. Remember, different motivational styles and programs work for different people.
In discussing this program my client was emphatic in stating several times "once I get the weight off, then I can do...... (the next task that was on their list). I have a saying whenever I hear a client conduct themselves in this manner, another Czar-ism.....

"You are going from A to Z without experiencing B through Y"
Think about that clients' statement and search for the lack of completion. I am being exteremely hard and somewhat unfair to this person, but part of what I do daily is searching for the lack of purpose in statements like that one above. They are talking about reaching the goal before the goal is realized. This is a red flag, a no-no in my book of psychology. Also, it is why I do not believe in pound or kilo goals in most weight loss scenarios.
Weight loss and a state championship experiences are very similar. However, in winning a state championship you will always be that state champion. I am Mark Lehmkuhl, 1st Base, 1985 AA State Baseball Champion. With weight loss , if you are blessed to the point of experiencing the attainment of that pound "goal", you need to treat your new habits you cultivated as your new lifestyle. Your eating has changed to the point that to continue the maintenance of your new weight you must continue the habits that led to the attainment of that goal....for life.

With weight loss, your next dragon is your new lifestyle. Maintain it (your lifestyle) and you are slaying it.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Saturday AM workout

5 rounds for time:

1. Row - 500m-400m-300m-200m-100m
2. Snatch - 10e-8e-6e-4e-2e
3. Jumping Pull Up - 20-16-12-8-4
4. 1-Arm Press - 10e-8e-6e-4e-2e
Now some family time.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wellness Star for July

Tiffany today

Tiffany before
When I started working with her company she was a skeptic, but a friendly skeptic. Eventually she started moving toward better health. The beautiful thing about her transformation is that she did it herself; meaning she initiated the change of attitude. All the management and I provided was the workout area and a workplace that dedicated itself to promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Here is her testimonial....
"Since February of this year I’ve lost 23lbs. If you think about it, go to the store, pick up a 20-pound bag of dog food and walk around. THAT’s what I was carrying around each and every day. No wonder I was unhappy and tired all the time. After a year of eating what I wanted and doing no exercise I said enough was enough.
I began to take advantage of the fitness room at work. I started out slow, walking and jogging on the treadmill, then I added some rowing in. It felt great just to get moving. Also, I once again began logging my food on I’ve used this site before and it’s really helped me become accountable and make a lifestyle change.

Between the exercise and the food logging, the weight started coming off, I started feeling A LOT better and making smart choices became second nature. I also began doing some of the daily workouts Mark assigned. I remember after the first workout with him (that included a ga-billion squats, seriously!) how sore I was for two days. But the pain subsided and I felt stronger. Now I look forward to our weekly challenges, pushing myself to be even better and stronger.

I’ve stuck with it and with the help of a work out buddy at the office who keeps me accountable, it’s not been hard. I have “cheat days” once a week where I can go out to a nice dinner or have some pizza so I never truly deny myself anything, I just think if I really want it before I eat it. If we’re going out to eat, I just look up the online menus and their nutritional info, log it in for the day and enjoy a lunch out without the guilt of “Oh! I shouldn’t have ate that much!”

While I still have about another 12 pounds I want to lose, I’ve gone down two pants sizes, can see a noticeable difference in my appearance (I may actually have the emergence of an ab!) and energy levels and have signed up for my first 5k in three weeks and am planning to run in the Race for the Cure in October. I doubt I’ll actually run the whole thing, but knowing that I CAN run some of it is miles away from where I was just five months ago.

So what are you waiting for? There’s nothing more important than your health and you have all the tools at your disposal here through the wellness program. Start off small, build your way up and next thing you know, you’ll be looking at a bag dog food or that 10-pound bag of potatoes in a whole new way!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


It's hot! In most cities east of the Mississippi it is 90 plus this week. The perfect week to discuss "water" for our nutrition education topic; which is what we are covering in our classes this week. Here are some standard, Nutrition 101 highlights:

1. Water makes up 60% of your body. Biochemists would argue 80%; I'll stick with 60%.
2. Water is the transportation vehicle for all nutritents and life sustaining products
3. Water is the Universal solvent. It's Dipole moment (positive and negative areas) creates an affinity for many substrates. Do you remember the electrolyte experiment in High School?
4. Water is the bodys' cleansing agent; carrying wastes for elimination.
5. Water serves as the shock absorber for joints, fluid for eyes and childbearing (protection for fetus).
6. For our main purpose, water is our bodys' thermoregulator.

You are always sweating. You are burning calories, these metabolic processes generate energy, water and heat. As your body temperature increases, water is the medium that transports that heat to the skin and the heat leaves the body in the form of perspiration.

Components of water input:
1. Liquids you drink
2. Moist foods you eat - Carbo-HYDRATES; If you decide to do a high protein diet (basically most of the diets or self purported "lifestyles") then it is imperative to increase your water intake. When you Carb starve you may miss a substantial amount of water in your recommended intake.
3. Metabolic Water - the formula for glucose is C6H12O6. Look closely, water (H2O) fits perfectly into the formula. As the carbon chains of our substrates get broken down and energy generated, water is the byproduct of that metabolism.

Components of water output:
1. Kidneys - urination
2. Skin - perspiration
3. Lungs - respiration; remember, sometimes you don't always see your losses
4. GI tract - feces

Water Balance is the daily difference between input and output.

Remember to drink your water!

Todays' workout: A metabolic conditioning day

*Pull Ups 5 X Max reps

*7 rounds for time:
1. 30 pound Ball Slam X 10
2. 6 count Burpee X 10

* Burpees are meant to be performed on a 6 count. For a more effective movement park the sloppy, worm, fish flopping burpees and define your movement with a structured body that relies on tension to support each count.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Recovery Day - Mobility


Body Weight Mobility

1. Floor Mobility - Z-Sit stretch; Bent knee Hip Abduction; Piriformis Stretch; 1/2 Brettzel
2. Yoga Poses - Cobra; Downward Dog + Combo; Cat-Cow; Pigeon Pose
3. Samson Stretch
4. Band Stretching- Hams; Adduction; Abduction
5. Chair Stretch; Frog Stretch; Brettzel
6. 16 kg kettlebell presses from the splits (~ 1o5 degrees) 3 X 5 e

*3 Rounds at your own pace using a 16 kg kettlebell

1. Goblet Flexibility Squat X 5; attain the furthest flexibility maintaining strict posture; open the legs with the elbows
2. Windmills X 5 e
3. Cossack X 5 e
4. Sotts Press X 5 e
5. Overhead Squat X 5 e

If it looks easy, it isn't. If you concentrate on the motions, on attaining the furthest position possible on every rep I promise you will feel as crushed as I do right now.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Real Strength Workout

Total body strength goes beyond what you can do for 1 rep. Also, there are more tools to utilize outside of barbells.

1. Tactical Pull Up 5 X 5 (pause for two seconds at the bottom of every rep; engage the lat first for a more efficient pull)

2. Someone had to have come up with this workout before me. It is way too logical. Emphasizes stability and grip while exercising real body strength endurance. If I have "borrowed" this workout from an unknown source...I thank you. A keeper:

Use two kettlebells; strong men should go with 24kg's; strong women with 12-16kg's dependent on body mass. It is ideal to use the same bells for every exercise; downgrade if you need to for the overhead lockout. If you need to downgrade that should send you a message that you need to work on that exercise to attain total body strength. Do not set the bells down until each couplet is complete. For example, go immediately into farmers walk after your 5th rep of suitcase deadlift; and so forth for couplets 2 and 3.

5 Rounds; 15-30 seconds rest between each couplet; just enough time to rechalk..;-). Break 1:30 between rounds.

1a. Suitcase Deadlift X 5
1b. Farmers Walk X 50m

2a. Double Clean X 5
2b. Double Rack Walk X 50 m

3a. Double Press X 5
3b. Double Overhead Lockout Walk X 50 m

Have fun with it!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Wellness Star for June

"...the credit really goes to the leadership. To care enough for your employees and invest in a wellness program at NO COST to the employee is incredible. And Mark is just great. He keeps you motivated and challenges you at the same time. More importantly he cares about you as an individual. So thanks to the Board, CEO, and the VPs for offering this program."

-Debra (6/26/10)

The Wellness Star will be a monthly award given to the person that amplifies our philosophies in their lifestyle. In our wellness we don't just monitor your weight and blood pressure by sticking you on a treadmill. We aim to get you moving better, which goes beyond walking better.

Debra is our Wellness Star for June. When she started she was overweight, had a terrible habit of eating out everyday for lunch (Zaxby's mostly), didn't exercise, and was further driven down the unhealthy path by having a desk job that keeps her planted 8 hours a day.

Today she brings health to her table/desk instead of the chicken finger salad. She monitors her eating on, exercises at least 4 times per week with mostly funtional bodyweight exercise, and has lost over 20 pounds. Furthermore, when she started she could not do 1 sit up or 1 full squat without getting stuck in the bottom position. She is making very good progress and we will be moving toward working out with kettlebells and barbells in July (we just started swinging this week). The new exercise to master for July will be the Turkish Get Up. In Debra's case (and a lot of our desk ridden clients) it was/is very important to master the squat and lunge before the Get Up is introduced.

Think about training with someone where you do not do 1 turkish get up or swing a kettlebell for three months! That is how we operate, you do not touch a weight until your bodyweight skills are mastered.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

AL Health professionals Marketing Mastermind Group

I posted awhile back regarding my invitation to join a Mastermind Group for Health Professionals. What is a Mastermind Group? It was first defined by Napoleon Hill (inspired by one of my favorite risk takers Andrew Carnegie) as a coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose. I grow older I like this word more and more. When I was an inexperienced businessman and naive graduate student/teacher I had joined groups and affiliated myself with people that talked a lot of inspiration but lacked that product delivery. Growing into my late 30's I realized that it wasn't my affiliations that lacked purpose, it was me. I brought nothing to these relationships but a lot of inspiration; inspiration that was too cowardly to deliver a product with a purpose. You can't rely on people to do your work for you; also, you can't rely on a particular affiliation to an individual or group to do your work for you.

Mastermind Meeting Notes
This meeting was very worthwhile; as our meeting mentor stated: Everyone needs a coach. There was plenty of discussion regarding meeting times, definition of the group, number of member invitations/limitations, and how each member would present the meeting agenda at future meetings. There was a sharing of ideas from the start; marketing ideas that worked and ones that were not so hot (I have plenty of these in my briefcase). The meeting concluded with each member developing their needlemovers.

Needlemovers are similar to goal definition. I was in agreement with the mentor that goals do not work; what happens when you reach that goal? In the ideal situation, the needlemover is always progressing upward, like the volume button when the stereo is cranking that familiar jam. Think of it this way...your business is not going to stop when a goal is attained, you must keep working.

Our mentor asked us to define and provide short term (1 month), moderate term (2 months), and long term (3 months) needlemovers. It took me about 5 seconds to develop all of my needlemovers. Each one of my needlemovers had a connection with some form of work already in progress or completed to attain that next level.

Failing to plan is planning to fail
During the long drive home from Birmingham I meditated through the previous 4 hours. My mind reverted back to an ESPN special (viewed earlier in the week) commemorating the life of the great coach, John Wooden. In a segment which included Bill Walton and his three sons it was mentioned how Bill would write messages and include them in his boys' lunches for them to read at mid-day. The message one of his boys' mentioned was "Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail". A message delivered directly to Bill from Coach Wooden during his playing days at UCLA.

Define your needlemovers. How long does it take you? Is your needlemover already a work in progress? If not, get busy and define your needlemovers on a set date in the near future.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


A tad of strength followed by pressing volume. When performed correctly with tension and stability the press becomes a total body experience

1. Ladder - 3 X (1, 2, 3)
a. Double Clean and Press (32 kg's)
b. Tactical Pull Up (Hollow Rock; chest to bar; 1 second pause at the bottom of the movement)

*2. Volume Press w/ Double Squat
5 Blocks!
a. 1 Arm Press 4 X 5 e @ 24 kg
b. Double Front Squat 1 X 5 @ 24 kg's

* Treat this as a challenge. Performing 100 presses each side in 5 blocks of 20 reps. Complete 5 presses each side on the minute; after the 4th minute, rest 10 seconds and follow with 1 set of 5 double KB squats. Rest 1 minute between blocks. Pick a weight that is manageable, yet challenging.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Man versus Food

Back in my party days I was a food challenge guy....mostly hot wing challenges. Most memorable was at a bar called the Noisy Oyster in Merriman Valley, Ohio. Their suicide wing challenge was tingly but left my brow dry, even after the 10th and final wing. I was deemed "the man" by several friends who couldn't believe what they saw. The cook had to have held back some habenero sauce from the mixture. Who knows?

Today I am no longer "the man" but "the food czar". I like this nickname; it was given to me by Tiffany who also proclaims that I have job security every time a spread of bad grub makes an appearance on special occasions. This name is announced whenever I make an appearance from the dungeon to the office. Phrases like "What did the Czar say when he saw you with that doughnut?" has been heard on many occasions.

Everyone knows the Czar is not a fan of restaurants and the excessive eating outside of the home that American society is attracted to. I am constantly being invited to lunch, which I appreciate, however do not believe in. Yesterday was my first time eating lunch in a restaurant during a given weekday in over a year.

Bart has been bugging me to go to eat with him at a burger joint called Joe Mommas and at the Thai Place in Millbrook, Alabama. I love Thai so finally I caved and we set our lunch for Friday the 11th. I further enhanced this lunch by boasting of my younger food challenge days, knowing that Bart has the gregarious personality that pours fuel on the fire. He challenged me to their 6 star (the hottest sauce on the menu) spice and I agreed.

When we were ordering the waitress indicated that the hottest is not on the menu and is an 8 star spice. Bart did not know this and proceeded to nag me into the eating the 8 star. Why not?
I still got it as if I were in my 20's. The spice was good, you could taste the food but was not close to the hottest food I had ever eaten. Bart was impressed and indicated that he did see my eyes water a little bit.

My meal came with chicken, vegetables, rice, and a small spring roll. I ordered the meal minus the rice and offered my spring roll to Derek, another eating companion. You see, even when you fall off the wagon and eat in a manner that you do not believe in or conflicts with your eating plan, you must limit yourself. If you are on a business lunch you do not want to be the sap that orders a salad without dressing because you don't want to ruin your diet; but you can modify your order. This is the key to living a life of restaurant eating. Rice and a spring roll provide me with nothing that enhances my day but sluggishness.

Fridays workout

I had time for a brief one:

21-15-9 of:
1a. KB Snatch
1b. Push Ups
* Perform snatch reps on each side...21 e; 15 e, and 9 e; to make this workout more effective perform all snatch sets with one hand transfer and do not set the bell down until all reps are completed.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Nutrition Education and New Mesocycle

In the 1/2 Get Up the reps stops with the bridge and you reverse the movement downward. An ideal alternative for those with serious joint issues.

A large part of what I do is nutrition; really more than 50% of my business is nutrition. A portion of that is nutrition education. This is a class where we meet to discuss important topics and concepts in nutrition.

Some months' topics mirror the introductory nutrition class I taught while I was a doctoral student at Auburn while other months' topics center on controversial issues and real life situations. In my opinion this facet of the Old School Training Systems Wellness Program is the most important and has been the most productive in getting our employees to make modifications toward a healthier lifestyle. If you are thinking of starting wellness lectures or a program of your own then this is a great place to start then build from.

Here are some examples of recent topics:

1. Reading Food Labels
2. Competitive Eating
3. Fast Food
4. Essential Nutrients
5. Serving Sizes
6. Tobacco and Alcohol
7. Inflammation

On a personal note, I completed the 6 week RSR for the deadlift (DL) and will tell you I am officially retired from heavy deadlifting programs. Three times per week training DL at over 80% is a crusher on the arthritic knee. Over the last 6 weeks I have had more people ask me why I was limping, if I had a hitch in my giddy-up(our rodeo clients), or if I needed surgery. Knowing this, movement is the most important aspect of my training from here on. I will continue to lift heavy, just not 3 times per week.

Here is a tester program for the next 4 weeks. If it meets my approval I will continue this program through the summer. Each workout will include 15 minutes of movement/mobility; on Wednesday and Thursday the mobility will be closer to 30 minutes.

June 7- July 2

1. Monday - Heavy Press/Pull Up; Farmers Walk/Double Swings (24kg) for conditioning
*This program is outlined in "Return of the Kettlebell"; I will "borrow" it for 1 day of my workout week

2. Tuesday - High Intensity Kettlebells and Bodyweight Circuit (20-25 minutes)

3. Wednesday - Lower Body Extensive Joint Mobility; Grip and Skill Practice

4. Thursday - Upper Body Extensive Joint Mobility; Presses for Volume; Trunk and Shoulder Work; 1/2 Get Ups, Get Up Sit Ups, and Windmills

5. Friday - Underground Strength - Hammers, tires, and sandbags for strength

6. Saturday - Kettlebells and Bodyweight circuit for reps


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What's in your lunch?

Rather, what' will you eat at work? I pack my lunch, everyday; cheat a little with my honey on the weekends. Below is what I am taking with me when I leave the house at 4:15AM. It is now 4:00AM; I will be home at 6:30PM this evening.

1 apple
1 orange
2 c. Organic spinach w/ pepper and mustard
2 oz. yogurt with blueberries (Greek yogurt with frozen blueberries added)
1 shake - pea protein, almond milk, 1/2 c. strawberries, 2 T. flax meal
4 oz. nut and bean trail mix - almonds, pecans and edame soybeans
20 oz. water; to be refilled 4 times before I return home.
1 c. steamed spring vegetables
1 CLIF Builders nutrition bar
1 Odwalla Nut mix nutrition bar

I graze all day. Will eat a meat and a couple of vegetables this evening.

What's in your lunch?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

How'd we get so Fat?

We will begin with some points of emphasis and demographics:

1. The fitness/exercise industry has evolved from a 30 billion dollar industry in the late 1990's to over 100 billion dollar industry in 2010.

2. Those that are in my age bracket (over 40) can remember when fast food and restaurants were local and regionalized. For example, was there an Olive Garden chain in the 70's, how about Wendy's...was it national?
McDonalds and KFC were two of the few restaurants that were national. Look at us today....there are many fast food stops at every exit on the freeways. Whataburger! has made it out of Texas and onto the national scene.
Do you remember when you were a child on family vacations and MAYBE ran into a McDonalds or KFC every 30-60 miles?

3. Restaurant meal sizes are enormous. Remember when the only big burger choice was a Big Mac or a Big Boy? Today we have Monsters and Whoppers...and Double Whoppers.

4. We are a push button society. Our ancestors worked and created sweat by building things through physical means. That has gone by the way of the ipad for communicaton. I am proud to say that I have yet to send a text message and still carry a spiral notebook for my daily notetaking.

5. There are more single parent households and households with both parents working. This puts todays' families in a nutrition grind. It is afterall easier to grab the Giganta-Burger on the way home from day care.

6. We are fatter than ever and the previous points do a pretty good job of explaining that with the exception of number 1. Why?

Because fitness is a business. Today, AS AN EXAMPLE, we have home shopping and you can buy the latest and greatest DE-CHUBBER machine for 3 easy payments of 399.95....what a bargain for something that is going to evolve into a close hanger in two weeks....DO NOT IMPULSE BUY FITNESS CRAP! There are a lot of people getting rich off of you while extracting very little effort to truly educate you toward a healthy lifestyle.

I won't get started on "Nutrition Store Chains" and will spare them my wrath.

7. Furthermore, the previous points indicate that we need to attack this national problem (IT IS NOT A FREAKIN' EPIDEMIC...IT IS A PROBLEM) from the nutritional side of the calories in verses calories out equation.

Eat less!!!!
Eat at Home!!

It really is that simple....

Wednesday workout:
1. Deadlift 6 X 2 @ 80%

2. Strength Endurance-5 rounds:
a. Sledge strikes(16 pound Hammer) X 10 e
b. 450# tire flip X 10
c. Overhead lockout walk (2-24kg KB's) X 60 yds.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Seeing Dead Relatives

Smack dab in the middle of RSR for the Deadlift. Yesterdays' workout "Seeing Dead Relatives" per Brett Jones, MRKC

Deadlift 6 X 6 @ 80%

Double Press/Pull Up Complex X 10 rounds
a. Double Press X 10 (20 kg's)
b. Tactical Pull Up X 5
*Aim to complete the complex in under 30 minutes

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mastermind Group and RSR

I am pleased and fortunate to be included in a "Mastermind Group" led by Jeff Green, an elite performance specialist out of Birmingham.

The Mastermind group is a group of 12 specialists that possess a variety of interests and methods in the field of Health and Fitness. We will gather at a central location to discuss the development of new methods and ideas to better the state of health in Alabama and beyond. I will post more detail after our initial meeting in June.

On a personal note.... the Russian Squat Regimen applied to the Deadlift

I will begin the 3rd week of the 6 week RSR/strength program. I can definitely feel the strength gains and am accelerating beyond the gains from the pre RSR program. Yesterday (Saturday) my legs were very heavy after 6 X 5 @ 80% and sledge and flips on Friday, yet I turned in my best performance in my Saturday Strength Endurance Circuit.

I wish all moms a very Happy Mothers Day

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I'm sooo Busy...

When I was in Grad school some friends (you know who you are) and I would poke fun at people that would always state how "busy" they were. I would even catch myself saying it from time to time...what a Hypocrite!
Now that I am working a large project, seeking expansion within organizations, attempting to explore new avenues of changing peoples' lives, husband, father to an autistic child, father to a typical child (which can be more work than the latter) I laugh at these comments made when all that dominated my life was school, weightlifting, and bad food...I'M SOOOOOO BUSY...;-).

Here is what I am going to slap today:

TGU's 3 X 3/3
Heavy Windmills 3 X 3/3

Conditioning couplets; Perform each together, alternating between a and b until the rep scheme is complete in numerical sequence

Rep Scheme - 20-16-12-8-4:

1a. Sledge Hits
1b. Push Ups

2a. Wall Ball
2b. 2-Bell Swing

3a. Ball Slam
3b. Sit Up

Thursday, April 22, 2010

RSR Programming - 4/26-6/4/2010

My next training block will be centered on training the deadlift and press as my core strength lifts. Flexibility and mobility will be of a major consideration as well. Note that each day will include 15 minutes of joint mobility exercise, while thursdays will focus on flexibility and mobility exclusively.

If you have interest in this program you can contact me directly at

RSR programming for the Deadlift April 26 through June 4, 2010. I am providing exercises that may make an appearance on the given days listed.

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
1. Deadlift
2. Kettlebell Press/Pull Up ladder combos
3. Kettlebell Bottoms Up Press/SOTTS Press/Large Stone Press
4. Farmers Walk/Overhead Lockout 2 Kettlebell Swing
5. Tire Flipping

1. TGU's/WindMills/Kettlebell Overhead Squat/Cossack - light work
2. Circuit Conditioning - High Intensity; Sledge, Slam Ball, Med Balls, Sandbags
3. Bodyweight basics
4. Kettlebell Circuits incorporation the Snatch

1. Joint Mibility
2. Flexibility

1. Rower/Jump Rope Circuit Conditioning
2. Kettlebell Conditioning

Sunday - OFF

Sunday, April 18, 2010

What's next??

6 years of marriage celebrated this week. I am a very lucky hombre.

Update on my personal goals....

My Scale Back Alabama was successful, dropping 10 pounds in 10 weeks. During this time my Deadlift increased 20 pounds and my 1 arm press increased, pressing the Bulldog 4 times consecutively compared to 2, which puts me back where I was when my body mass was up 9 kilo's (20 pounds) from what it is today. Current body weight is 85 kg (186 lbs.)

Overall the 28 workout plan was very successful. I will entertain 1 week of casual conditioning before the next program begins.....this one will be a 6 week strength monster.

I will post the outline of exercises this week.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010 (Workout 28 or 28)

Warm Up

1-RM Deadlift or 3-RM Deadlift (estimate 1-RM)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Resting today for 1-RM max tomorrow. I am real excited for what lies ahead in the 6 week RSR programming. This stretch will run from April 26 through June 4.
Scale Back Alabama deadline for post weigh in is this Friday, the 16th. Participants can weigh in anytime this week in the presence of a supervisor for their team.
I will be posting information regarding our newest health challenge. It will begin May 3 and end May 31.
Continue to visit this blog for updates on the next workout Mesocycle and our healthy eating challenge (hint).

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010 (Workout 27 of 28)

Warm Up

DeadLift 3 X 3 @ 70%

Joint Mobility, FMS, and Yoga

Monday, April 12, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010 (Workout 26 of 28)

1. Warm Up
2. 5 minute Snatch Test
3. 1 arm Swing/1 Arm High Pull 5 X 10/10 each; alternate exercises X 10 minutes
4. Farmers Walk/OHLW 3 X 1 minute each (break 30 seconds between movements)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Monday, 4/12/10 (workout 25 of 28)

Time to taper. The 4 weeks of INTENSE workouts are completed. Now we taper to 5 days this week, taking Thursday off and maxing deadlift on Friday.

1. Warm Up
2. Deadlift 5 X 3 @ 70%
3. TGU 4 X 3/3
4. Conditioning: 5 rounds
a. 20 Swings
b. 15 push ups
c. 5e snatch
d. 5e Press

Saturday, April 10, 2010

From the CAEC wellness page


Let us assume that you are a person that needs a particular lifestyle modification. Needs are easy to identify and do not readily equate to change when the human mindset evaluates the problem. I frequently hear phrases like "I need to get back in the warehouse again" or "I need to stop eating at restaurant XYZ for lunch." "Need" does not address the problem. "Need" provides a temporary fix by making you feel better in the moment through stating the problem.

There are 120 plus employees at CAEC; I consider all of you clients. As my client your direct exposure to a healthier lifestyle (actually in my presence) is limited around your work schedule and home schedule and my work schedule and home schedule. Furthermore, it is limited to whether or not you "want" to participate in some (not necessarily all) of the lifestyle modifications we advocate. This decision, whether or not you "want" to change, is critical to your success or failure in the proposed lifestyle modification.

I chose this topic because every week I experience someone that WANTS to modify their physical fitness and nutrition lifestyle. This weeks' story is special because the client provided me with the infrmation he researched, showing me the lifestyle modification he explored and discovered on his own. This is "want". If you are going to experience a successful lifestyle modification it is going to require a little work. Work to discover what works for you. I am a guide that is here to help all of you in any way that I can, you must "want".

The client in discussion directed me to a website, This website is free and provides information that allows you to analyze your individual physical activity, nutrition, and calorie needs per day. The user is allowed to input their daily foods and activities to discover whether they are in calorie balance, deficit, or surplus. is a pretty cool tool that I suggesat for people that "want".

The client has told several other clients about the website as well as his spouse, who is also using this site daily. This is how wellness works!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010 (Workout 24 of 28)

This one is from The Training Room on the Jersey Shore....and was the workout that converted me from a 3 sets of 10 guy. Thanks Mike and Jim.

3 rounds; 2 minutes recovery between rounds:
1. Sandbag burpee X 10 (50 # bag)
2. Renegade Row X 10e
3. Snatch X 10e
4. Conan's X 10e
5. Jump Rope X 1 minute
*Perform exercises straight through; break after jump rope

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

Deadlift 3 X 3 @ 90%

30 Wall Ball
30 Rower Calories
30 Swings
30 Push Ups
30 High Pull (15 e arm)
30 Squat
30 Ball Slam

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Warm Up

1. 1 Arm Press (Heavy) - 1e to 5e to 1e
2. Pull Up - 5 X Max Reps
3. Conditioning: 4 rounds for time
a. Row 250m
b. Jump Rope X 125

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010 (Workout 21 of 28)

1. Warm Up - Row then Yoga

2. Deadlift - 3 X 3 @ 80%
3. TGU - 3 x 3/3
4. Windmill - 5/5/3/3

Monday, April 5, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Warm Up - Extensive band work

6 rounds X 20:10 of each movement; rest 1:10 after each round:
1. Swing
2. Push Up
3. Mountain Climber
4. High Pull L
5. High Pull R
6. Burpee
7. Thruster L
8. Thruster R

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010 (workout 19 of 28)

1. Deadlift 5 X 3 @ 85%

2. Moderate Press Ladder/complex with Pull Up - 5 X (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

3. Conditioning: 10 rounds, use the same 2 kettlebells for both movements

a. Farmers Walk X 40 m

b. 2 Bell Swing X 10

Friday, April 2, 2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010 (Workout 18 of 28)

Warm Up

1. Kalos Thenos 4 X 3/3
2. Conditioning; 1 time through:
a. 100 Swings
b. 80 Calories on the Rower
c. 60 Sit Ups
d. 40 Burps
e. 20 Box Jumps (substitute Squat Thrusts if you are not a box jumper)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Friday, April 2, 1010 (Workout 17 of 28)

Warm Up

1. Deadlift 5 X 5 @ 70%
2. Pull Up 5 X Max Reps
3. Conditioning: 30-20-10
a. Kettlebell Swing
b. Jumping Pull Up
c. Push Up

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

10 Rounds; work at your pace
a. Double Press X 10 (40-50% of 1-RM)
b. Double Squat X 10 (use same bells as press)

Rest 3 min.

500 Jump Rope for time

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Warm Up

Deadlift 3 X 3 @ 80%
TGU's 4 X 3/3

Monday, March 29, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010 (Workout 14 of 28)

METabolic CONditioning

5 rounds
1. Row 500-400-300-200-100m
2. Snatch - 10e, 8e, 6e, 4e, 2e
3. Wall Ball 20-16-12-8-4
4. Ball Slam 20-16-12-8-4

Potential Substitutes
1. Jump Rope 250-200-150-100-50
3. KB Thruster 10e-8e-6e-4e-2e
4. Sledge Hits - 10e-8e-6e-4e-2e

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010 (Workout 13 of 28)

John and Byron, two of our most dedicated Wellness clients were in Auburn for a work conference.....and maintained their pre RSR schedule at my home. DEDICATION!
Warm Up - posterior chain and shoulder mobility

1. Deadlift - 5 X 3 @ 75%

2. Double Press/Pull Up Ladder (Heavy Bells - 80%) - 4 X (1, 2, 3, 4)

3. Conditioning: 10 rounds for time

a. Double Swing X 10

b. Push Up X 10

Friday, March 26, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Warm Up

1. 1 Arm Press Ladder - 1e up to 5e back to 1e
2. Pull Up 5 X Max Reps
3. Conditioning: 12 minutes; count rounds
a. Jump Rope X 140
b. High Pull X 25e

Scale Back Alabama

Two weeks until the final weigh in date of April 9!

What progress CAEC is making! I would love to run a Pearson R comparing the number of employees training in our gyms with a successful weigh in the week of April 5th.

My personal weight loss log is 9.2 lbs lost; 196.0 to 186.8. Strength and conditioning improving!

If any of you need to contact me directly I will be at the Prattville facility all day.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010

Joint Mobility - Total Body

Deadlift 5 X 5 @ 70%

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Thursday, March 25, 2010

From the files of Sara Cheatham

6 rounds; 1 minute recovery between rounds:
1. Jump Rope X 100/Swing X 50
2. Jump Rope X 100/Swing X 50
3. JUmp Rope X 100/Snatch X 20
4. Jump Rope X 100/Snatch X 20
5. Jump Rope X 100/Swing X 50
6. Jump Rope X 100/Swing X 50