Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Our Wellness Intensity

Kettlebells at the CAEC Prattville facility.

When programming I categorize our workouts. This is an important concept within our programming. Some workouts are designed for a specific, rapid pace, while other styles require a little more attention and time. In most situations whenever an external load is applied the subject must alter their pace to accomodate textbook form in completion of the movement. In this scenario, textbook form is further expanded to include individuals' mechanics.

An example - The back squat (external load across the shoulder blades and/or trapezius) for individuals with long femurs in relation to their lower leg. Assume an issue where the weight bearing lower leg bone, the tibia, creates a low degree angle in relation to the floor in the bottom of the squat. We further complicate this situation by assuming the subjects' weight is not in their heels, but concentrated more in the arch and toes of their feet. Hypothetically, this movement could force the patella to an unnatural position of 1-4 inches beyond the toes generating shear force that over time could expose the subject to a future ACL injury.

The subject in this scenario SHOULD NOT perform the back squat as part of a metabolic conditioning circuit. In fact I would present a firm argument that the individual is not ready for back squats at all. Until they exhibit the ability to perform the movement in a mechanically sound movement, then simplify first. You will make a much larger impression later.

This scenario is an example of why I have learned to slow things down with clients and not put myself in a position of yearning to impress them with how much weight they can increase under my "expert" guidance. I will have more on this topic in this weekends' post.
Our Exercise Categories
1. Strength/Power. An external load is applied and intensities are varied depending on the exercise prescription. Not for metabolic conditioning or METCON. Examples are Deadlift, Presses, KB/BB Squat, Turkish Get Up, KB/BB Snatch, KB/BB clean.
2. Body Weight. No external load is applied and no METCON. Examples are Squats, Push Ups, Squat Thrusts, Burpees, Push Ups, Mountain Climbers, "Naked" Turkish Get Ups, Sit Ups.
3. Body Weight METCON. The only true METCON in my opinion. Remember, external loads added can complicate form issues in the general public.
Example: Crossfits' "Cindy"- 20 minutes of pull ups(5), push ups(10), and squats(15).

4. Muscle Endurance. The external load may be applied as a part of a circuit added to the subjects' body weight.
For example: 1 time through for time:
100 Swings
80 calories on the rower
60 Sit Ups
40 Burps (1/2 Burpee)
20 Squat Thrusts
5. Strength Endurance. The prescription needs to not involve time. An external load is applied in every phase of the workout. The indidvidual needs to move at their own pace, however time should not dictate the success or failure of the performance.
For example: 5-8 rounds:
a. 5 Double KB Thruster
b. 7 Double KB Cleans
c. 10 Barbell SDHP
Enjoy your week!


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